Vulpine Amethyst

Welcome! This site is a handy collection of links to my various accounts, as well as information about us and our endeavors.We are semiverbal; we prefer to communicate in text unless verbal communication is required. We are deafblind, which is maintained in all of our facets; we use hearing aids and a long cane where possible.
This is where you'll find information on how to commission us. What we do:
Colour bases: Someone else drew line-art and gave permission for another artist to make alterations. We colour and shade it to your specifications.
Personal pride flags: A flag comprising your various identities, rendered to your specifications.
Note that we will not, under any circumstances, do any artwork containing symbols of hate, antisemitism, antiziganism, racism, ableism, or any other form of bigotry.
These links point to our wishlists on various sites.
System Reference
The Amethyst system is a median system, meaning that the alters, the individuals comprising the system, have significant overlap.Amethyst was chosen because the metaphor we use to describe ourself is a gemstone, and both because of that and because we're a median system, our alters are called 'facets'. Except for Amethyst itself, the core, all of our facets are furries.
Tag: am)
Kind: Core
Species: N/A
Shape: Bipedal
Age: adult
Pronouns: Irrelevant
Gender: Gemstone
Sexuality: Asexual
Favourite colour: Aspected, see facets'.
Amethyst is the core of the system, with the other facets being 'worn'.
Síle / Sheila
Tag: s)
Kind: Facet
Species: Arctic fox
Shape: Shifter; see notes below.
Age: Usually 3, sometimes 8
Pronouns: Fae/faer or she/her
Gender: female
Sexuality: Irrelevant; she's a minor, for pity's sake.
Favourite colour: Light purple (#9977CC)
Síle is an arctic fox. Faer coat is predominantly black, with green socks (to the knee), gloves (to the elbow), and tailtip (last third of faer tail), a white chest and belly, and a white spot on faer chin. faer eyes are ice blue.Síle is the facet you're going to interact with the vast majority of the time, as fae is the most comfortable for Amethyst to 'wear'.Síle can shapeshift between anthro and non-anthro forms, as well as switch her physical age between 3 and 8. She also has temperature-control magic: she can exude heat, as mammals normally do, or cold, as as e.g. an ice pack normally does.

Jadwiga / Jaga
Tag: j)
Kind: Facet
Species: Arctic fox
Shape: Bipedal
Age: Adult
Pronouns: She/her
Gender: female
Sexuality: Asexual/panromantic lesbian
Favourite colour: Light purple (#9977CC)
Jadwiga has two coats; in summer, her fur is predominantly silver, with white chest and belly, and Byzantium purple socks (to the knee), gloves (to the elbow), and tailtip (last third of her tail). In winter, she is pure white, with light blue socks, gloves, and tailtip in lieu of summer's purple.

Tag: c)
Kind: Facet
Species: Dog; German shorthaired pointer
Shape: Bipedal
Age: adult
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: very, very gay
Favourite colour: Light blue, currently #7799CC
Cuán is an adult German shorthaired pointer of about average height. His coat is white, with a black splodge on his head from his browline up just past his ears, bulging to the right in line with the center of his right eye. His eyes are a warm amber.
Ingrid / Inge
Tag: in)
Kind: Facet
Species: Eurasian wolf
Shape: Quadrupedal
Age: Young adult, perhaps 4
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Straight
Favourite colour: Light green (#77CC99)
Ingrid, or Inge to her friends, is a Eurasian wolf of typical appearance.
She is nonverbal, but smart enough to make her preferences and desires known given an appropriate AAC.
Social Media
These are all of our social media accounts.